"The Pentagon and mental health professionals have been examining the ethical issues involved."
hmmm...it seems like there shouldn't be much examination or debate:
Aristotle said politics:society::ethics:individual...equivalent to virtue, or performing one's function excellently. Therefore...HEALTH "professional"=someone who promotes HEALTH....christ, I thought that debating the meaning of "is" (though in actuality a very interesting philosophical debate...but not in the way that mr. cigaro was intending...) was a bad ear-fucking, mind-boggling, skull-bashing, tongue swallowing, glass eating waste of tax dollars (not to mention carbon and hydrogen, etc)....but this........and how fucking long have the "experts" been telling everyone, fucking everyone, that torture (and yes, I'd say that these practices fit into the dark dirty inhuman realm of torture...no! say it ain't so, sammy; not you! you're apple pie and baseball and the very meaning of summer, fireworks, the fourth...please, someone call the hague.) doesn't work? They have all said, on ABC 20/20 special reports and history channel War glorifications and such, that torture gets people to talk, sure...and it even gets them to tell you what you want (like who else is fucking satan in the forests at night...it's goodie whitefield, the pastor's own wife! satan is assaulting god's people! AHHHHEEEE!!!!)...but is anything that they tell you really worth damnit? (let alone worth the inflicting of suffering on another human being...) most with brains and the slightest shred of humanity have said, "no."
ethics...my fucking ass.
Soon, this moral high horse is going to clip a hurtle...and it's going to hurt, bad...the poor bastard will have to be put-down because he broke both hips and won't even be able to screw and pass on his sloppy DNA...not to mention the little runt of a jockie will snap his neck in thirty-thousand places, leaving him hospitalized with senators scrambling to pick up the pieces of a fallen hero...too busy to notice that the doctors have decided to pull the plug...and the nation will have a good old fashioned Irish wake. god bless.
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