Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Man, when the hammer drops, I hope to be on a hill with a view and a telescope, though I'd rather be at ground-zero to see the look on their faces...

first...this is not new thought. Sadly, Nader and others have been bringing up this point, but Democrats are, for all intents and purposes, spineless cock-sucking whipping bitches...if one, only one, congress person would bring impeachment charges against Bush, though the poor bastard would surely be dead in seconds of uttering the words with some treasured body part displayed at the City's entrance to make the point very clear that there will be no improv or breaking from the script...

I'm currently reading HST's account of the '72 must have seemed like some wicked deja vu flashback of a bad trip gone worse when W's rotten ass made a repeat...a while back a certain female giver of half of my DNA told me that she had voted for the Crook (though I'm not so sure that she was actually 18...mathematically, how she voted...who knows?). I was a little taken aback by the thought of it...she claimed that it was a time when there still wasn't the cynicism of today. At first, I somewhat bought her story; but being a bit of a socio-political history junky (goddamn, if I could get some of the gigs that thompson got...weird, he's like an obi-wan ghost...but not the new bullshit version of him that georgie-boy is passing off on a stupid public--fuck him, I won't watch it), I must say that I've found more sources that draw the "anybody but [insert dick-head's name here]" as the democrats' campaign slogan in '72 than to say that it was a naivete still present...we're talking the age that cynicism arose, so, I'd have to reword it to be ignorance...Ni666on was a bastard, that was common consensus.

How does the saying go? "Those who don't study history..." Thus, the male half of my DNA voted the shit-head back in, this year...mainly because, in his words..."Fuck John Edwards." But bigger than that, I think the loss to Bush stems from the fact that the present-day democrats are masochists...or mostly a bunch of self-righteous, old white pussies...but how do you convince the ones who aren't to break away from the two-party status-quo? When will there be a multi-party polity in this country? Is that the answer? How else will politicians be brought under the thumb of their constituents?

Odd, I've not thought about the election so much for quite some time...I think it's stemming from seriously pondering the future of the US...I've never been a partisan but, if they grew a backbone, I think it'd be interesting to see how the dems are going to deal with the reality of a post-W's good to see the local party trying to get out in full force, here in western NC, and take things back to the grass may be cause for me to get off of my cynic's high horse and get involved...

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