Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
--The Constitution of the United States, Amendment 1
In NY women are having a "nurse-in" Ethiopia, people are being killed for protesting a fraud election...
So, Ba-bwa Wawas pissed off some women by saying that public breast feeding made her uncomfortable and women are up with babies in arms in response. First, maybe if we didn't have a culture that shunned nudity, while promoting increasingly voyeuristic "celebrity" crap...(fuck paris hilton..and fuck nipple-gate), she would not have felt the way that many US citizens feel. But this, to me, is a smaller matter...
The bigger problem is our world view. We have been endowed with such freedoms and guaranteed rights that should honestly be considered basic human rights, but we don't seem to realize that not everyone on this planet has it this way. Protests and demonstrations have become passe...mostly meaningless...fits of public masturbation. This is not to say that we don't have legit reasons to protest (see anything regarding the Downing Street Memo) or that we don't have a large group of pissed off people...but there's something amiss...something that doesn't connect...
Would we risk life and limb to defend what is right?
Dark times for democracy in the good ol' USofA...sadly ironic, no?
(and I fully admit that I'm waiting, just like everyone else, for someone to come and lead the charge...)
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