Thursday, June 30, 2005

A Hard Rains-A Gonna Fall...

Simply put...wha?

Strange times, indeed. The Courts have decided that local governments can snatch up "churches and replace them with Walmarts," as the congresswoman pointed out. And yet there's confusion about the difference between displaying the 10 commandments (Harvey Wasserman has written a brilliant article related to the subject) in a courtroom, versus on the court, Dylan's going with Starbucks...It's not that surprising, remember his deal with Victoria's Secret? Honestly, I'd say that it's best to remember his songs, since he's a musician first and foremost...

Holy moly, the gentlemen and gentlewomen are getting feisty on the floor of the house, today...over credit good googly moogly, Rep Obey has some fire in his belly, I think I like him. Rep Jeff from Arizona is a Flake... And, by the way, VIVA CUBA! Fuck simply opening up Cuban-American's ability to go back to Cuba more often than 3 years, End the Embargo! Castro should be kicked in the shins because he lost sight of what the revolution was supposed to be about (that's giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't just an ego-maniacal twat to start with...)

Over the past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to listen to the local rap and r&b stations... Overlooking the fact that the two stations I listened to play the same five songs each hour, every hour, 24-7 (maybe it's for people who only tune-in while they're driving and such, not for people listening for prolonged periods of time), I noticed something far more sinister. These stations are directed toward a Black listener, this is not sinister; but, between being told that "she likes me 'cause I'm so icy, so icy, so icy...", "Hey ya'll, this is America, and in America we have certain freedoms, like the freedom to eat any time we want. That's why Mc-D's is open 24hours...", sex sex booty booty sex sex "don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak, like me?" "I'm gon' beat that, beat that..." "Ain't no need in even askin' bra, the best women all reside in Africa..." I didn't once hear any news. None of the dj's said anything about the fact that Blacks have the highest percentage of HIV infection in this country. No body said a damn thing about the fact that (for Ohio at the very least, though Fla, NM and many others are included) the GOP fucked Black voters and impotent fucking Democrats published a piss-poor water-down "assessment" this past week...(Dr Manning Marable is right.) Not once did I hear any of them talk about poverty in the US. Not once did I hear anything about Live8, let alone any reference the the G8 meeting and the publicly desired push to erase African debt, without any strings (hold on Asia and South America, if they can actually pressure dicks like Great Britain and the US to do something like this, your time, too, will come). This is not conspiracy, it's economics..."It's mathematics." (and between "pimp my daughter" and handling brittney's "truth," "white America" is a fucking joke and deserves a fall.)

It's becoming inevitable that the time is coming when, after having their toes stepped on for far too long by far too many assholes, people are going to take up their sledge hammers and storm malls, storm the ceramics store and GNC and the food courts and Sears; they're going to pick-up pitch-forks and storm million dollar mansions and invite the resident 3 member family to continue to live there, with two 5 member families...
Down with dope, up with hope.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

"The Pentagon and mental health professionals have been examining the ethical issues involved." seems like there shouldn't be much examination or debate:
Aristotle said politics:society::ethics:individual...equivalent to virtue, or performing one's function excellently. Therefore...HEALTH "professional"=someone who promotes HEALTH....christ, I thought that debating the meaning of "is" (though in actuality a very interesting philosophical debate...but not in the way that mr. cigaro was intending...) was a bad ear-fucking, mind-boggling, skull-bashing, tongue swallowing, glass eating waste of tax dollars (not to mention carbon and hydrogen, etc)....but this........and how fucking long have the "experts" been telling everyone, fucking everyone, that torture (and yes, I'd say that these practices fit into the dark dirty inhuman realm of! say it ain't so, sammy; not you! you're apple pie and baseball and the very meaning of summer, fireworks, the fourth...please, someone call the hague.) doesn't work? They have all said, on ABC 20/20 special reports and history channel War glorifications and such, that torture gets people to talk, sure...and it even gets them to tell you what you want (like who else is fucking satan in the forests at's goodie whitefield, the pastor's own wife! satan is assaulting god's people! AHHHHEEEE!!!!)...but is anything that they tell you really worth damnit? (let alone worth the inflicting of suffering on another human being...) most with brains and the slightest shred of humanity have said, "no." fucking ass.

Soon, this moral high horse is going to clip a hurtle...and it's going to hurt, bad...the poor bastard will have to be put-down because he broke both hips and won't even be able to screw and pass on his sloppy DNA...not to mention the little runt of a jockie will snap his neck in thirty-thousand places, leaving him hospitalized with senators scrambling to pick up the pieces of a fallen hero...too busy to notice that the doctors have decided to pull the plug...and the nation will have a good old fashioned Irish wake. god bless.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Simply put, historians will not be kind to the US. There will be no Roman romanticism of these evil bastards...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Big Man Finally Defeated?

Sadness...Tyson was a monster two decades ago. A beast. A man who could swing his arms and land devastatingly beautiful, bone-smashing, god-fury punches...and then there was that man with the bad hair...out of the ring scandal, tragedy, in the ring scandal, and psychosis, all the while psychosis...Finally, in debt and mostly a joke, Tyson was reduced to fighting chumps in order to pay mounting bills...he was reduced to a gladiator playing in some boondock middle of no-where roman town, when he used to dominate in Rome's lighted bastard whore daughter herself...I can't help but feel sorry for him.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Viva Cubanismo

Within the next two decades, we're going to learn a lot from Cuba...from autorepair to agriculture...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

news briefs-what journalists wear under their trousers

so, mr stewart presented himself very well, again, with one of the jackals...the shame is that I actually like mr powell (well, he's a likeable guy...just fell in with a bad crowd), unfortunately, he spoke like a true politician, covering his ass and the asses that his lips still pucker for, powell that is, not stewart...and apparently, strip poker is not the bush family's after dinner game of choice. I think that Jon Stewart did an excellent job of giving him hell, but, since it's comedy central, there's an unspoken, "dude, don't take yourself too seriously, it's comedy central. sit there, take it, and smile...or you can look like a bigger jackass than we already think you are; it's your choice." mr ridge got the same treatment. I think that both of them, though obviously still politicians, came off as looking somewhat more human. BUT, history will still be unkind to them...of course this is being optimistic that there will be history after the economic bubble pops. GM is going under, though they won't admit it...for as satisfying as it is to see the expansionist-driven economic model (which, by the way, is not what a true free market/capitalist economy is...) slowly coming apart at the seams, leading to a burst and a chaotic crashing and burning, I feel terribly for all of the Cassandras out there.

Your predictions will come true, and there's nothing to stop it...even if you manage to convince enough people, even if you manage to motivate them to action, even if you come up with the perfect solution, your predictions will come true, because inertia is a property of matter that needs transition to work...the system is in its final count-down sequence, they ignored your warnings when they had the chance...and should the dust cloud settle in a non-radioactive form, we will all be the wiser and better for it.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

And it gets weirder and weirder...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
--The Constitution of the United States, Amendment 1

In NY women are having a "nurse-in" Ethiopia, people are being killed for protesting a fraud election...

So, Ba-bwa Wawas pissed off some women by saying that public breast feeding made her uncomfortable and women are up with babies in arms in response. First, maybe if we didn't have a culture that shunned nudity, while promoting increasingly voyeuristic "celebrity" crap...(fuck paris hilton..and fuck nipple-gate), she would not have felt the way that many US citizens feel. But this, to me, is a smaller matter...

The bigger problem is our world view. We have been endowed with such freedoms and guaranteed rights that should honestly be considered basic human rights, but we don't seem to realize that not everyone on this planet has it this way. Protests and demonstrations have become passe...mostly meaningless...fits of public masturbation. This is not to say that we don't have legit reasons to protest (see anything regarding the Downing Street Memo) or that we don't have a large group of pissed off people...but there's something amiss...something that doesn't connect...

Would we risk life and limb to defend what is right?

Dark times for democracy in the good ol' USofA...sadly ironic, no?

(and I fully admit that I'm waiting, just like everyone else, for someone to come and lead the charge...)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Man, when the hammer drops, I hope to be on a hill with a view and a telescope, though I'd rather be at ground-zero to see the look on their faces...

first...this is not new thought. Sadly, Nader and others have been bringing up this point, but Democrats are, for all intents and purposes, spineless cock-sucking whipping bitches...if one, only one, congress person would bring impeachment charges against Bush, though the poor bastard would surely be dead in seconds of uttering the words with some treasured body part displayed at the City's entrance to make the point very clear that there will be no improv or breaking from the script...

I'm currently reading HST's account of the '72 must have seemed like some wicked deja vu flashback of a bad trip gone worse when W's rotten ass made a repeat...a while back a certain female giver of half of my DNA told me that she had voted for the Crook (though I'm not so sure that she was actually 18...mathematically, how she voted...who knows?). I was a little taken aback by the thought of it...she claimed that it was a time when there still wasn't the cynicism of today. At first, I somewhat bought her story; but being a bit of a socio-political history junky (goddamn, if I could get some of the gigs that thompson got...weird, he's like an obi-wan ghost...but not the new bullshit version of him that georgie-boy is passing off on a stupid public--fuck him, I won't watch it), I must say that I've found more sources that draw the "anybody but [insert dick-head's name here]" as the democrats' campaign slogan in '72 than to say that it was a naivete still present...we're talking the age that cynicism arose, so, I'd have to reword it to be ignorance...Ni666on was a bastard, that was common consensus.

How does the saying go? "Those who don't study history..." Thus, the male half of my DNA voted the shit-head back in, this year...mainly because, in his words..."Fuck John Edwards." But bigger than that, I think the loss to Bush stems from the fact that the present-day democrats are masochists...or mostly a bunch of self-righteous, old white pussies...but how do you convince the ones who aren't to break away from the two-party status-quo? When will there be a multi-party polity in this country? Is that the answer? How else will politicians be brought under the thumb of their constituents?

Odd, I've not thought about the election so much for quite some time...I think it's stemming from seriously pondering the future of the US...I've never been a partisan but, if they grew a backbone, I think it'd be interesting to see how the dems are going to deal with the reality of a post-W's good to see the local party trying to get out in full force, here in western NC, and take things back to the grass may be cause for me to get off of my cynic's high horse and get involved...