Friday, April 01, 2011

cop out

so, it's national poetry month (which seems to be widely publicized this year, oddly—the academy of american poets have been posting things on their website since about the ides). i guess i should be posting some old poems, or writing some, or posting poems that inspire me—i'm lazy, sorry. i'll do more later in the month. in my defense, i have written an epic, as in a long narrative poem telling the heroic happenings of a happening hero. the first five people to click on my profile and send me an email will be invited to a blog i'm using to workshop my epic. that's an epic prize.

sorry, marian. you'll just have to wait for me to quit being lazy and start writing, again.


Marian said...

you! i love you anyway.
and apparently i am ineligible for a prize over here?
because, honestly, i think i am deserving of one.

Anonymous said...

oh maddox

Kerry O'Connor said...

I'm hooked on the epic!
Great stuff, Ian.

ian said...

marian, i am unable to find a prize worthy of a woman who is such a prize, though you are indeed deserving.

ba, hell yeah maddox.

kerry, thanks!

Marian said...

you are ridiculous.
you are prize enough :)

ian said...

one day, when i'm old enough, i might read icculus.