Saturday, February 26, 2011


"If you love someone and they love you, don't fuck up...'cause you are left with less than nothing."

A surplus of indiscriminate venom—
         this is my stumbling block,
       my problem to fix.
  Is ego or modesty
                my mask? 
Perhaps, the answer is in the question.

        Here, I wear
              the crown of shit
     upon my liar's chair.
             I let you down.
             I made you hurt.
    There, I boiled over,
            drunk and angry, again;
          a cloud turned grey.

     The division I caused
                left no remainder;
 ashes of a dream
            scorched by nightmare...

Now, I can only
   curse the day I became
            a nothingman,
       brush myself off,
   and learn how to walk
                  carrying memories of you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

One day at a time

Cabaret or crucible?
     It's a choice,
             I suppose...
But as for today, I'm tired.
   Loneliness reared its ugly
     face in the mirror;
so I cut off my hair—
   it was a silly romantic notion
       to have felt like
                   I owed somebody.

   The fact is that I break things;
clearly illustrated by
               the smoldering ashes
      and pieces of
                     what was,
                 now past,
        left in my wake.
  I chopped down my
           beloved dreaming tree
      for firewood.
   The bridges I burned
          glow faint red,
    revealing just how green
         it was on the other side.
My syncope at
           past deeds recounted
      amounts to a feint retreat.
  I've named my sins,
         asked for absolution;
    but the facts of my destruction
My spiteful ego
       is no less a part in my Gestalt
   than are my empathy
           and passion.
At times, I wonder,
     could I have been anyone
           other than me?

But how do I forgive myself
           for the fear and
                  I've inflicted?
     How do I ask forgiveness
               from those I've injured?

I cannot go back and undo.
      I am discredited.
   My vows ring out hollow,
              like empty lip service.
    I have squandered and wasted.

Take the bottle from these lying lips.
              Smash it.
     Use the shards
        and tear open my chest,
   scrape away the black bile.
        I swear there's a heart beating

  Create in me
               a clean heart; renew
         a right spirit, within.

caterpillar body and butterfly brain

I've been scrubbing stains
   for the last decade,
        with steel wool and
      bleach and
         scalding water,
            and a bristle-less
not that they've been effective.
  It'd be easier, i'm sure,
           if my scalp would split
        and the ten years
                    of dead skin
      and wasted talent
             fell to the floor;
but i was raised Lutheran,
          we preach Grace,
      and love the flog (in private).
    is its own justification, after all
simul iustus et Peccator.
  Yeah, but Luther was full of shit,
                            wasn't he?
What's it mean when
           all the penthouse Christians
     earn their scars
                avoiding the painful scab?
Faith without deeds is dead,
      what are deeds without faith?

   Take me to a river
                and hold me under
           until a dove descends
                      or I turn white...

There's got to be some better way to come clean.

Friday, February 18, 2011

cinquains 2-5

youth of today
crowded the Tahrir Square,
Arab Republic of Egypt.
raised fists.

lost laws of conservation;
one nation, undeniably
in debt.

find cheap beasts of burden,
build a banana republic
at home

wake up,
sleeping daydream
nation, comfortably
coddled by flashing distractions,

cinquain 1

lost love,
once here, then gone;
heart break’s par for the course.
to you lucky ones, I’ll sing out,
“hail, hail.”

Friday, February 04, 2011

A Little Too Honest

Perhaps, you should have let me sleep.
      It’s in poor taste that I expose
    my dark side, my bad mood rising—
not a place to end, but somewhere to start.
  Absence makes the heart grow still,
         and that silence helps hide everything
             you never wanted to know.

     So, here we are, two zeros, the classic case.
Weren’t we supposed to set the air ablaze?
             Instead, it’s face to face,
           shadow box, then double cross…
       I dropped from the shot to my
                  glass jaw, and the shock to
                                my cold heart.
     But if it’s a chase you want, my angel,
                my sunbeam, let me find
             a gag and a net and
          I’ll drag you down to my level.

I’ll hold open the door, for you.  In the
    light of day, in the foyer with the
        potted plants, I’m a gentleman,
     a marquis, a smooth operator.

  Follow me down the hallway,
               to the bedroom,
         where I study philosophy
    and spiritual phrase.
         I’ll give some, to get some.
       Give me all you got, girl.
               I have an itch, I want
          scratches down my back.
      Swallow my pride and
            make me lick your boots clean;
          but leave your coat and skeletons
        in your own closet with
   your chambermaids.  I could
                 give a fuck about your dignity—
       just keep giving me that sweet taboo.

The washroom is the second door to the left,
              should you wish to feign cleanliness.
       One dirty hand washes the other hand,
         sacrilegious ceremonies,
                heaving in drains.
    I won’t forget to leave the toilet seat up.
           Yes, that’s an insult;
               mind yourself, so I
                         won’t have to injure…

      In the parlor, where lewdness
               waxes drunk and the glinted disco ball
      spins away the years, a party has started
         and everyone has gathered:
             boisterous and foolish, libertines, all.
         No place for beginners or sensitive hearts.
            The scene is tired,
God, this town is so small.
              Paraphiliacs, or hypochondriacs?
         When sentiments are left to chance
    and bedbugs are shared,
               it’s getting hard to tell the difference.

       I’ll take my leave of this and keep you
                    jealously to myself;
                and if not,
                        you can find me downstairs…

Below, in the solitude of the root cellar,
        the shrewd pariah sits
                  hiding, brooding
      in a basement of hoarded smut.
  He laughs at those who say,
      “Life is short; don’t fuck up.”
     He laughs at those who say,
              “Life is short; don’t miss out.”
           He’s far too apathetic for hedonism.

…and in the quiet of my shade tree I wonder,
                          what makes me say these things?
           In the face of disaster,
                         out comes my laughter;
          it’s this flailing, blind anger in me.

I should crawl back to my cold unmade bed.