Friday, November 19, 2010


It's good to know some things are dependable.  Jackass 3D was all I had hoped for: an hour and a half of juvenile high jinks, nut-shots, puke, poop, farts, fat asses, midgets, and Bam being a prissy bitch.  And it was in 3D; what more could you want?

It would be nice to get the same from life.  For better or worse, life loves the curve ball.  One minute, you're Dudley Do-Right; the next, your neck is sore from being cast as Snidely.  Sometimes, the change comes from out of nowhere; but more often than not, the signs were all there, you were just too wrapped up in what you wanted the world to be to notice that you just got left behind, bitch.  But, oh-bla-dee oh-bla-dah, so it goes...

Karma is heartless and mechanical; you get what you deserve, even if you don't think you deserve what you got.  Same as it ever was.


Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope that your take on karma applies to the movie Jackass as much as it does simply living a life.

A fully interesting and enjoyable post.

ian said...

the concept of karma and its many interpretations has always fascinated me. I lean towards the causality way of thought, personally. karma, to me is more a property of existence, as opposed to an agent. but yes, if you suspend dozens of tasers from the ceiling, obstructing a race course, someone is going to get shocked and say that it sucked. also, strapping-in to a port-a-pod filled with poop, attaching it to bungee cords and sling-shotting yourself into the air will lead to being covered in poop. the guys of jackass are expert demonstrators of karma.

I enjoy reading your posts, so I'm glad that you enjoyed this. thanks for reading.