Wednesday, February 11, 2015

As-salamu alaykum

I went to bed with scant details of your deaths,
"3 Killed in Shooting in Chapel Hill,"
a shocking tragedy in its own right.
I woke and read, through clouds of tears,
"Three Muslim-American students killed near North Carolina university campus."
How could this happen here?
The reality of this tragedy is surreal.
Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23
Yusor Mohammad, 21
Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19
Three young lives,
full of promise,
with dreams of serving others,
shot dead by some "anti-theist" zealot with a gun.
For what?
"over a parking dispute,"
the report says.

Even in the best, worst case scenario, this is another example of an avoidable tragedy involving mental illness and guns. At the absolute worst, these three were targeted for their faith and this is a hate crime.

My heart breaks for these families.

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