Tuesday, April 23, 2013

current events

propaganda of the bomb
propaganda of the bomb
propaganda of the bomb
it doesn't work.

Children shouldn't be maimed casualties.
They should be outside,
beating a tree with a stick,
battling pretend super-villains
like the kid rocking the super-man costume
outside of my apartment.

Your kids need boredom.
Boredom builds imagination.
Imagination breeds creativity.
Creativity is the search for Truth—
              All else is distraction.

in truth there is no hate


"The President has been assassinated in a bomb attack on the White House"

I remember when reporters had their ears on the streets.

What's to protect when what
passes for Press exercises
Free Speech as repeated tweets?


McLuhan's Metaphor
The Curse of Cassandra?

I can't tell.

We stand poised, as a planet, on the verge of achieving greatness;
but too many fevered egos pull too many
strings and levers and cocks, and
too many heavy thumbs hover over too many buttons
linked by miles and miles of wire
to too many bombs.

And still so much Hate
              so much Hate
             so much Hate

In truth, there is no Hate.


to offer an anecdote of a personal
experience with "social media":
a friend liked one of her friend's,
but not a mutual friend,
 picture of someone's small graffiti.
on a green wall in thin yellow white letters it read,
i liked it, too.

it made me think of how many years it had been
since i read that word,
said it outloud,
thought it in my head;
and i realized how lazy i've become.
i am impatient.
i am angry that
i am powerless to change the world around me because
i have forgotten
i can only change myself.
i can only change myself.
i can only change myself.
        in Truth there is no hate.

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