Sunday, November 07, 2004

a perfect example of what we're dealing with...

Today, at the stadium in Charlotte, there were ceremonies for Veterans' Day, complete with true military pomp and circumstance, meaning a fly-by. The 11 o'clock news on WCNC, a local news channel, reported that people were calling into the station concerned about the jets flying over their neighborhoods. I couldn't help but laugh at how absurd it sounded, granted I was born on an Air Force base, but still...

This is what fear looks like.

Fear makes one believe that hiding under one's school desk, after the "flash!" of a nuclear explosion, will keep one safe.

also, check out a perfect circle's new release "emotive"
I think it's an interesting listen, especially if you have the originals in your head while listening... Particularly, those songs of the 60's...we're definitely in a different age. Not to mention that the artwork is absolutely brilliant.
(yes, I think this review is self evident, if you buy a copy of the cd...or better, get a friend to burn a copy and scan the images...or just go to their website

1 comment:

Deb said...

I'm old enough to remember being told to dive under my school desk. There were drills daily during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962...during which time I lived in Titusville Florida, and was in 2nd grade. Even at that age, I was aware that the adults in my life were bleeping idiots if they though my desk was going to save me!