ahhhh, 'tis the school year, indeed...full swing...midterms and too much coffee...
for anyone who still comes here, most of my creative talent will be applied in writing for Boiling Point, UNC's unapologetically progressive magazine...by far more ballsy than the Carolina Review...note the unfortunate sarcasm...
here's the shameless plug...
Speaking as a writer, I'll be candid about my thoughts on the editors...squares...especially one in particular...I may post full versions of the articles here...not sure...with any luck, my article for next month's issue will make it through that process a little more intact...and that's being optimistic that the other people who are supposed to be submitting articles come through on their part so that we can have an issue for November...jesus, I have a great disdain, well, love/hate relationship with deadlines, but moving it back three separate times (two if I concede that moving the first date because of fall break was at least somewhat legit...which I still got my article in...written on no sleep.....) I digress, moving the deadline back that many times, thus moving back the date that it hits the presses, thus moving back the date that it hits the public, is unprofessional, even for college students.