Saturday, October 30, 2004

where's the defender of the status quo?

I don't think that even the man of steel could defend the bullshit that "law and order" are promoting...

It's funny that the video (you know, the video) has come out...I'm not even sure if anyone is shocked...I think that most of us have become numb: the ones that have always bought in, have always been numb; the ones fighting to think for themselves are just tired.

I'm worried that the system's rolling steadily towards violent recycling, just as it has done throughout the years...or even worse, that it won't...there are more than enough distractions to keep people happily numb and fearful...christ, 1984 was a warning, not a fucking handbook...

How do we change minds?

Friday, October 29, 2004

Mead had to have been having "one hell of a trip..."

that's the only way she could have gotten through it. the more I try to think and understand humanity, especially the culture and mentality of the US, the more strange and alien I's a strangely candid thing to offer out to the potential nothingness or nakedness of "cyber-space." I'm working on a structural anthropology paper that, with some edits, I may post...

I'm sad to say that anthrocide seemed to be a strangely gleeful contemplation the other day, riding down I-40, from western to central NC, looking at the lovely yellows and oranges...I wonder if van gogh would have painted the bomb...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

some small steps

It's strange, my generation, I believe globally, are reaching the age when we step on to the big stage. It's daunting to think about. We're inheriting lots of fucked-up situations; and what's worse, the ones we're receiving this great gift from try to hold it in a death grip. In spite of all of their efforts, the time will come.

The question is, what can we do, now, to ensure that we are not trapped in the paths that they want for us? How do we mobalize? It's there, the potential to shake the world and topple the "hallowed" power structures, but what are we waiting for? Even more than that, what can be done to insure that there is no Gandhi, no Buddha, no [insert ego/icon here]? How can we make this the movement of the WE?

All things have their source, how will we focus on the fact the the total act, not the actors, is what matters?